All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning, An Air Conditioning, Electrical and Indoor Air Quality Company
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You can Rely on All-Pro to be your calm before and after a Storm

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Follow our simple suggestions and you can breathe easy

  • Cool your home down to a comfortable level before the storm arrives, you may wish to consider lowering your thermostat a couple of degrees lower that usual, close all doors, windows, blinds and curtains.
  • Check the outside of your property to ensure that all plants, ornaments and pool accessories are either secure or brought inside. Cover the external Air Conditioning unit with a tarp or plywood and secure it with hurricane or condenser straps.
  • If you are concerned about flooding in your area and if it is possible, move the external unit to a higher level.
  • Turn your refrigerator down to it's coldest setting 24 - 48 hours before a storm and try not to leave the door open for long lengths of time, this will help to extend the period keeping the contents cool should there be a power outage.
  • Once the storm arrives turn off the power to the Air Conditioning. This will protect your unit from power surges that come from lightning strikes or the electricity being turned back on.
  • Once the storm has passed and it is safe to venture out. Check that your outside unit has not been damaged and turn the power to the Air Conditioning back on.
  • Changing your Air Conditioning filters on a regular basis and keeping the drain line clear and are necessary preventative measures to ensure the smooth operation of your Air Conditioning system.
  • If you have any concerns regarding the performance of your Air Conditioning or Electrical issues before or after a storm call All-Pro your local Electrical and Air Conditioning Specialists.

Remember you are in safe hands if you have our number 561 988 0460 - Call for Electrical or Air Conditioning Repairs, Maintenance or Installations

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Air Conditioning Energy Saving Tips

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In most Florida homes, the air conditioning system is the single biggest energy consumer. Therefore, using your system efficiently can significantly reduce your monthly electric bill.

These 8 simple tips will help you do just that…

#1. When it comes to air conditioners, the lower you go, the more money you blow. Set your thermostat to the highest temperature you’re comfortable with. Keeping the thermostat 10 to 15 degrees higher than what you’re used to for 8 hours a day will knock about 10% off your cooling costs.

#2. You may not want to turn your air conditioner all the way off when you leave the house but setting the temperature to 80 degrees while you’re away from home will make a big dent in your electric bill.

#3. Using fans in conjunction with your air conditioning system can make you feel three to four degrees cooler so you can set the thermostat a few degrees higher and feel just as comfortable for less.

#4. Keeping windows and doors shut and blinds and curtains drawn during the day will keep the sun out so your system doesn’t have to work as hard to cool your home. Remember, the harder your air conditioning system works, the more energy it consumes and that means higher electric bills.

#5. Over time, your air conditioner’s air filter collects dust and debris which restricts the flow of air. When air flow is restricted, your AC works harder to keep you cool and that means higher electric bills so don’t wait for your air filters to become clogged. Cleaning and changing them every 30 to 90 days, depending on the type of filter and your home’s environment, should keep the air flowing smoothly.

#6. The average home loses 15 to 25 percent of its cooling through leaky ducts. Visually inspect your ductwork at least once a year and have it professionally sealed or replaced if necessary.

#7. Regular maintenance will keep your air conditioning system operating at peak efficiency and it will extend its life. Having your system serviced twice a year can save you up to 17% on your cooling costs.

#8. Make sure that there is no furniture or anything else blocking the returns inside your home. Restricted air flow means your system works harder and you pay more.

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Air Purifier Services in Boca Raton, FL by All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning

There is a wide variety of contaminants that can enter the air of your home and start to circulate through your ventilation system and through the rooms.

Mechanical air filters are effective at stopping some of the larger particles, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and carpet and furniture lint. But there are many smaller particles that will move right through the fibers of standard air filtration systems. Often, you will need another line of defense: electronic air purifiers that use ionization to remove extremely small pollutants.

Air purifiers (also known as electronic air cleaners) must have professional installation and maintenance services to make sure that they work correctly. If you are searching for the best air purifier for your home’s needs, call on All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning. We provide air purification systems along with our other indoor air quality services. You can entrust us with seeing that the unhealthy and bothersome pollutants in your home’s air are effectively removed.

If you need air purifier services in Boca Raton, FL and the surrounding areas, call the indoor air quality experts at All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning today.

How Air Purifiers Work

Standard air filters trap particles in a medium of fibers. Air purifiers also trap particles, but they use electronic means. An air purifier uses a process called corona discharge to ionize the air around it so that it affects a region inside the HVAC system where the airflow must move. Ionization causes large particles in the air (the pollutants) to either gain or lose an electron, and this gives the particles either a negative or positive charge.
The charged particles are then drawn down from the air by a pair of plates on the air cleaner, one with a positive charge and one with a negative, where they are trapped. Other charged particles in the air are drawn toward each other, and as they clump together they become heavier and fall out of the air flow.

When Is an Electronic Air Cleaner the Best Choice?

A mechanical air filter can affect more than 99% of particles 0.3 micron in size and larger. But it requires an electronic air purifiers to effectively target the smaller particles. These include smoke, chemicals, pesticides, and odor molecules. If your home is experiencing trouble from odors and chemicals and your filters aren’t helping, then you should consider installation of an electronic air purifier.

But please make sure that you have professional assistance before making any choice. Indoor air quality professionals will discover what contaminants are in your air and then help you decide on the air purifiers, air filters, or combination of the two that will reward you with the healthy air your family deserves.

All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning Offer Air Purifier Services

Our indoor air quality experts provide a number of different installations to help boost indoor air quality for homes including putting in electronic air cleaners. If you are concerned about your home’s air, contact us and let us find out if you will benefit from an air purification system. The team at All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning also provides the services necessary to keep air purifiers running at peak performance.

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Why You Should Consider Whole–House Surge Protection

Point of use surge protectors do provide some level of protection but they simply cannot contend with the level of coverage that a whole–house surge protection system has to offer.

Whole–house surge protectors have the upper hand not only in terms of the ground that they cover, but in their ability to deal with powerful surges as well.

Whole–house surge protectors spring into action as soon as excess voltage tries to make its way into your electrical system. These surge protection devices are installed right at the electrical panel, leaving them well–placed in order for swift operation. While power strips may stop power surges from frying the electronics plugged into them, a whole–house surge protector protects your electrical system itself by ensuring that this power surge never makes it to the outlets in your home to begin with.

Not only can whole–house surge protection better protect your electrical system from major power surges, such as those caused by lightning strikes or problems at the power plant, but it can also protect your entire house from more minor surges as well. When larger appliances are turned on in the home, a minor power surge can result. A whole–house surge protection system can prevent even these minor surges, which can lead to cumulative damage over time, from making its way throughout your circuits. When you consider too the fact that power surges can make their way into your home via cable or telephone lines as well, it becomes clear that more comprehensive coverage is a goal worth pursuing.

Schedule Professional Whole–House Surge Protection Services

You need to know that any work involving your electrical system is completed professional and with the utmost care. That is why you should schedule your whole–house surge protection services with a member of our staff. We will evaluate your existing system and your electrical panel, and we will make sure that your home is outfitted with a whole–house surge protector that meets its needs entirely. If you are ready to get serious about the way in which you protect your electrical system, your home, and your belongings from power surges, then give a member of the All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning staff a call today to schedule service.

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Surge Protection in Boca Raton, FL by All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning

Chances are that you have your computer and many other electronics in your home plugged into a power strip that doubles as a surge protector.

What about the rest of the appliances that you depend upon so much, though? What of your washing machine, central AC system, and water heater? We are willing to bet that you don’t have a surge protector plugged into every outlet throughout your home.

With whole-house surge protection though, you won’t have to worry about unprotected electrical outlets in your home. Whole-house surge protection provides truly comprehensive coverage in terms of protecting your electrical systems and devices from the damages that power surges can lead to. Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning for more details.

All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning provides whole-house surge protection services in Boca Raton, FL and the surrounding areas.

Chances are that you have your computer and many other electronics in your home plugged into a power strip that doubles as a surge protector. What about the rest of the appliances that you depend upon so much, though? What of your washing machine, central AC system, and water heater? We are willing to bet that you don’t have a surge protector plugged into every outlet throughout your home.

With whole-house surge protection though, you won’t have to worry about unprotected electrical outlets in your home. Whole-house surge protection provides truly comprehensive coverage in terms of protecting your electrical systems and devices from the damages that power surges can lead to. Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning for more details.

All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning provides whole-house surge protection services in Boca Raton, FL and the surrounding areas. 

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All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning
1181 S Rogers Circle
Boca Raton, FL 33487

(561) 988-0460


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