To say that you need a great air conditioner in this part of the country is really to state the obvious. When dealing with heat and humidity of the kind that we live with, your air conditioner is a vital part of your day to day life.

To say that you need a great air conditioner in this part of the country is really to state the obvious. When dealing with heat and humidity of the kind that we live with, your air conditioner is a vital part of your day to day life. That is why we suggest that you contact us as soon as you start having any problems with your home cooling system. Not every issue will require complex professional repairs, of course. Even so, having a qualified technician investigate matters is the only way in which to guarantee that the problem, regardless of how severe it may be, is properly diagnosed. In many cases, your thermostat in Boca Raton, FL may be to blame.

Is Your Thermostat In the Wrong Place?

Did you know that many factors, including its installation location, can seriously affect its overall performance. If you have your thermostat installed right next to a window, for instance, or in a spot constantly in direct sunlight, the it may actually register temperatures hotter than they are in your home. That can lead to your system working harder than it should have to. You know what that means, right? Higher energy bills, which nobody wants.

Is It Malfunctioning?

If your thermostat used to work just fine, but is no longer signalling your air conditioner to cycle on and off as it should, then it is very possible that it is malfunctioning. This is going to require professional services to resolve. While it is possible that repairs may be completed, you may also need to have your thermostat replaced. If so, we'll make sure that you have the best thermostat for your needs, and that it is integrated into your home and your system correctly.

Is It Set Properly?

This may sound a little obvious, but you should definitely check your thermostat settings if your air conditioner is not cooling your house the way you expect it to. We all make mistakes from time to time, especially when distracted. It's possible that you've set your thermostat to its "fan only" mode, or that you've simply set the temperature higher than you meant to.

Schedule your AC services with All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning.