Most Florida residents don’t think about the inner workings of their air conditioner until they have a problem. Hot weather is right around the corner and a properly working AC is essential to your comfort.

Most Florida residents don’t think about the inner workings of their air conditioner until they have a problem. Hot weather is right around the corner and a properly working AC is essential to your comfort. There are a number of issues that could affect your air conditioner, especially if you have not scheduled an AC maintenance appointment in the last year. One of these problems is a dirty condensate drain.

Why Is This a Problem?

Your air conditioner removes moisture from the air. As it does this, the moisture collects as condensation on the evaporator coil, and then drips into the condensation pan. This liquid travels through the condensate drainpipe to outside the home, where it’s discharged. In most cases, moisture is not the only thing passing through the condensate drain line. Dust particles and bacteria can also build up, causing the condensate line to clog. If the drain line is clogged, then condensate can back up and overflow the drain pan. This could lead to water damage on your property. These damp conditions can cause mold growth, and can also signal your AC system to shut down. In addition, mold and algae could develop inside the condensate line, creating even more problems.

How Do I Prevent This?

You can prevent the buildup of dirt and debris in your condensate line by changing your air filter on a regular basis. This helps prevent the debris from reaching the water that drains from your system in the first place. Another preventative measure to take is to schedule air conditioning maintenance on a yearly basis. During your maintenance appointment, we will check to make sure your system is draining water properly. We’ll also check for any other issues and potential repair needs.  

Call All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning today for your air conditioning needs in Boca Raton, FL.