Storms give us very little time to prepare. During the panic phase, just before the downpour begins, you may be focused on stocking up food, making sure you have candles or preparing to go to a storm shelter.

In the midst of all this, don't forget you have important equipment to protect. Here are 5 tips for keeping your air conditioner safe during a storm.

Turn off your AC

Electrical surges are common when lightning hits and you don't want your air conditioner's electrical components destroyed (and you certainly don't want a fire to start!)

Make sure your AC is off before the storm hits. If the weather is particularly hot, you can run it until the sky darkens (lightning might be flashing before the rains come so don't wait that long). Then make sure you remember to turn it off.

Cover it

Exposed components can be damaged from flying debris. Use a tarp, or board to cover your unit and protect it from anything that the wind throws at it. Protect your refrigerant piping from damage since leaking refrigerant is hazardous to both you and the environment.

Make sure your cover is secure so it doesn't turn into debris itself to cause damage elsewhere. And after the storm passes, remove the covering before starting up your unit.

Clean up your yard

Before the storm hits, pack away outdoor furniture, toys, your barbecue pit and anything else that's not tied down.

Clean up branches that might have fallen and inspect and remove anything else that could puncture your equipment. Collaborate with neighbors to clean up their yards as well. Storms have no respect for property lines!

Strap it down

If you live in a hurricane prone area, you need hurricane straps, which are specifically designed to withstand hurricane-strength winds.