In this day and age, the very notion of living without a functional electrical systems in our homes is something that most homeowners cannot even fathom. We are so used to plugging in our phone chargers, laptops, and other electronics that it is quite easy to overlook just how vital the outlets in our home truly are.

In this day and age, the very notion of living without a functional electrical systems in our homes is something that most homeowners cannot even fathom. We are so used to plugging in our phone chargers, laptops, and other electronics that it is quite easy to overlook just how vital the outlets in our home truly are. Just because electrical outlets are so ubiquitous, though, is no reason to pay them no mind. If you don't have GFCI outlets in Highland Beach, FL, for instance, you may want to consider upgrading your existing outlets. Doing so can help you to use electricity more safely.

What Are GFCI Outlets, and Why Use Them?

Chances are that you have GFCI outlets somewhere in your home, or at least at outdoor receptacles. They are fairly easy to distinguish from your average outlet. Between the two sockets on the outlet's face-plate, you'll see 2 buttons. One says "test," the other says "reset." Now that you know how to spot a GFCI outlet, though, you're probably still wondering why you may want to use them in your home. GFCI outlets are designed to help protect users from ground faults. GFCI stands for "ground fault circuit interrupter," after all. A ground fault occurs when electricity decides to take a short cut, traveling along the shortest path possible as it tries to ground itself. In some cases, that will mean coursing through the human body, which can be quite painful in the event of shocks, and which could potentially lead to electrocution. The outlet simply measure the voltage leaving the outlet as compared to that being consumed by the device or appliance in question. When there is a discrepancy between the levels, the GFCI outlet understands that there is a ground fault, and it will stem the flow of electricity until it is reset and functioning properly once more. These outlets are required by law in areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoors by many local regulatory bodies.

Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning for outstanding electrical services.