By All-Pro Boca Raton on Monday, 13 June 2016
Category: All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning Blog

Is a More Expensive Air Filter Best for My System?

During the summer season, you are going to be running your air conditioner pretty much around the clock in order to keep your home habitable, let alone comfortable. Scheduling routine, professional air conditioning maintenance is necessary if you hope to keep your system in the best working condition possible.

During the summer season, you are going to be running your air conditioner pretty much around the clock in order to keep your home habitable, let alone comfortable. Scheduling routine, professional air conditioning maintenance is necessary if you hope to keep your system in the best working condition possible. However, you must also remember how important it is that you change your air filter on a regular basis as well. This is important not only for protecting the integrity of your AC, but for keeping a handle on your indoor air quality as well. Which air filter is right for your system, though?

There's Nothing Wrong with Cheap Air Filters

First things first, let us just say that there is nothing wrong with using a relatively cheap air filter. The main purpose that the air filter in your AC system serves is to protect your air conditioner from operational issues. For the most part, those cheaper air filters that you have to change every month or so will do the trick. There are a lot of different factors to consider, though, including whether or not you have pets.

So Why Use More Expensive Air Filters?

If you are looking at more expensive air filters for use in your home, the only difference that you are looking at is filtration efficiency. This is measured by the MERV of the air filter, or its minimum efficiency reporting value. The key reason to choose a more efficient air filter is if you or anyone in your family suffers from allergies. If so, then using these more expensive air filters can help you to cut down on the amount of pollutants and allergens in the air in your home. If you are just wondering about how your filter will serve your system, though, cheaper filters are fine, so long as you change them as needed.

Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning for great indoor air quality services in Boca Raton, FL.

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