By All-Pro Boca Raton on Monday, 23 May 2016
Category: All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning Blog

Protect Your Comfort and Health with a UV Air Purifier

We know that a lot of homeowners like to keep the systems in their homes relatively simple, and that not everyone is going to seek out additional equipment with which to upgrade their HVAC or IAQ systems. However, we really must inform you of some of the great benefits that using a UV air purifier in Lighthouse Point, FL can allow for.

We know that a lot of homeowners like to keep the systems in their homes relatively simple, and that not everyone is going to seek out additional equipment with which to upgrade their HVAC or IAQ systems. However, we really must inform you of some of the great benefits that using a UV air purifier in Lighthouse Point, FL can allow for. While not every home is necessarily going to require the use of a UV air purifier, those that do can benefit greatly from these devices. Read on to learn more about UV air purifiers, how they work, and why you may want to consider one in your home.

What Do UV Air Purifiers Offer that Filters Do Not?

If you have an air filtration system working in your home, then you may be wondering why you would also need a UV air purifier installed therein. The answer to this question is that different IAQ systems are used for different purposes. While air filters and electronic air purifiers, for instance, are adept at removing pollutants such as dirt and dust from the air in one's home, they are not going to fare well against biological pollutants, which include viruses and mold spores. These pollutants are often too small for a residential air filter to effectively remove them from the air in one's home. The other issue to consider is the fact that, even if these pollutants are successfully removed from the air, they can continue to reproduce on the material that they are trapped by. Simply removing mold spores from the air won't eliminate the risk of mold developing throughout your home. Those spores must be rendered incapable of reproduction, and a pollutant destruction based air purifier, such as the UV air purifier, will ensure that this is the case. If you notice mold popping up in your home, or if you or your family are frequently getting sick, purifying the air with UV germicidal lights may be in your best interest.

Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning today to learn more.

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