By All-Pro Boca Raton on Monday, 09 May 2016
Category: All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning Blog

Is Ice On My Air Conditioner a Good or Bad Sign?

Every now and then, we encounter a homeowner that thinks that the development of ice on his or her air conditioner must be a good thing. After all, he or she may figure, the job of the air conditioner is cool things down, is it not?

Every now and then, we encounter a homeowner that thinks that the development of ice on his or her air conditioner must be a good thing. After all, he or she may figure, the job of the air conditioner is cool things down, is it not? Well, this is, of course, the function of an air conditioner, but that does not change the fact that ice developing on your system is actually a sign of potentially serious trouble. If you notice that there is ice on your evaporator coil or your refrigerant lines, be sure to dial our number right away. You can count on us for top notch air conditioning repairs in Parkland, FL.

You May Have a Dirty Air Filter

One of the most common tips that we give homeowners looking to get the most out of their air conditioning systems is to change their air filters regularly. This really is one of the simplest yet most effective ways in which to ensure that your system functions well. If your filter is too dirty, it can seriously limit the airflow passing over the evaporator coil. When this happens, the system will have trouble drawing sufficient levels of heat out of the air. Not only does this mean you'll suffer a weaker cooling performance, but also that your coil may ice up.

Or a Refrigerant Leak

The refrigerant in your air conditioning system is responsible for the absorption and transfer of heat. If there is not enough refrigerant in your air conditioning system due to a leak or an improper charge, there is no way in which you can hope for your system to function as effectively and reliably as possible. If you have a refrigerant leak, you need to have the problem resolved ASAP to avoid serious damages to your system.

Schedule Your Air Conditioning Repairs with All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning.

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