Modern electrical systems make it possible for homeowners to live with the incredible convenience that they are now accustomed to. Everything, from charging your phones to running your dishwasher and powering your HVAC system and water heater, is dependent upon the safe utilization of electricity in your home.

Modern electrical systems make it possible for homeowners to live with the incredible convenience that they are now accustomed to. Everything, from charging your phones to running your dishwasher and powering your HVAC system and water heater, is dependent upon the safe utilization of electricity in your home. While modern electrical systems are certainly safer than those used in the past, there are still a few ways in which homeowners can protect themselves from electrical dangers, such as static shocks and, in the most extreme cases, electrocution. One of the simplest and most effective ways of doing so is with the use of GFCI outlets.

What Protection Do GFCI Outlets Provide?

GFCI outlets protect homeowners against the dangers of ground faults. A ground fault occurs when there is an unintended electrical path between a power source, such as an electrical outlet, and a grounded surface. If you are using an unprotected outlet when a ground fault occurs, your body could become that path. The GFCI, or ground fault circuit interrupter, outlet is an extra level of protection in ensuring that a human body does not complete this circuit, preventing users from experiencing painful electric shocks, or worse.

Do I Need  These Installed in My Home?

This is a question for the electrical codes in your area. Nowadays, GFCI outlets are commonly required in some specific spots in and on one's property, with outdoor outlets being at the top of that list. They may also be required in kitchens and bathrooms and, if not, they are certainly recommended. The general rule is that GFCI outlets be used in any areas where water is present, including bathrooms, kitchens, and the outdoors. Many homeowners simply choose to install these outlets throughout their homes. If you have any outlets in your house that have "test" and "reset" buttons on them, those are GFCI outlets.

Call All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning to schedule GFCI outlet installations in Lighthouse Point, FL.