The ceiling fan is a powerful tool, especially in this part of the country. During the summer season, as you run your air conditioner pretty much around the clock, your ceiling fan helps to distribute cooled air throughout your home effectively.

The ceiling fan is a powerful tool, especially in this part of the country. During the summer season, as you run your air conditioner pretty much around the clock, your ceiling fan helps to distribute cooled air throughout your home effectively. On cooler days, your ceiling fan alone may suffice to help you feel comfortable in your home by circulating air throughout. If you encounter a problem with your ceiling fan, it's important to have it resolved in a timely manner. Only then can you hope to minimize the risk of serious damages or potentially dangerous electrical problems. Read on, and contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning for great ceiling fan services in Delray Beach, FL.

Fan Won't Run

One of the most obvious signs of trouble with a ceiling fan is also one of the most frustrating: it just won't run. There are a few potential issues that could be at play here. First, check your circuit breaker. It sounds obvious, but it's also easy to jump to worst case scenarios when it comes to such problems. If the circuit breaker is fine, then your fan may not be getting power. It could be an issue with a bad switch, or there could be a wiring problem. At this point, a professional electrician needs to handle the job.

Fan Is Noisy

Some fans are cheaper than others, and this economy may come at the expense of quality. If you have a cheaper ceiling fan, it may hum due to its materials or construction. If your fan has just started to make noise, though, it may be working itself loose from its connections. Be sure to have it evaluated by a professional to ensure that it is safe to use.

Fan Wobbles

It's a common concern, but the likelihood of your ceiling fan actually falling down from your ceiling is pretty slim. That being said, it may wobble enough to cause some damage to its housing or to the ceiling surrounding it. If your fan is wobbling, it may have loosened up in its bindings over time. It may also have warped blades. Whatever the issue, this is not a problem to be ignored.