Do you use air ducts in order to distribute conditioned air throughout your entire home? If so, then you probably know just how vital it is that those air ducts are able to do their job in an effective, reliable manner.

Do you use air ducts in order to distribute conditioned air throughout your entire home? If so, then you probably know just how vital it is that those air ducts are able to do their job in an effective, reliable manner. While your air ducts may not have moving parts or electronic components, it is entirely possible for them to suffer from operational issues. One of the biggest concerns one should have in regard to his or her HVAC system is whether or not that system's ductwork is well-sealed. If not, numerous problems may develop. The good news is that we offer exceptional duct sealing services in Delray Beach, FL. Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning today to schedule service.

Do Your Air Ducts Whistle?

Is there a whistling or high-pitched whine anywhere in your home when you are running your HVAC system? If so, this could be the result of air escaping from your ductwork via leaks or bad seals. Not only is this obviously a very annoying problem in and of itself, but it is likely only an indicator of more serious issues to come.

Is Your Air Quality Subpar?

Does it seem as though the air quality throughout your home is on a downward spiral? If your indoor air quality is lacking, it could be due to the fact that your air ducts are not well-sealed. The tears or leaks in the ductwork may be allowing pollutants into the system, and those pollutants can then travel throughout your entire household via those very air ducts.

Are Your Energy Costs Skyrocketing?

When you use your HVAC system, you are obviously going to see your energy costs go up with your usage habits. However, if it seems like you are paying far too much to keep your home comfortable, it could be due to improperly sealed ductwork. Your home may be cooling down unevenly, with air escaping the ductwork at inopportune points, and your system working harder than it should have to in order to balance temperatures. Duct sealing can help you to avoid such issues.