By All-Pro Boca Raton on Monday, 22 June 2015
Category: All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning Blog

3 Signs That You Need AC Repairs

Living in Florida means that you are going to be using your air conditioning system a lot throughout the long, extremely hot summer season. While we can provide you with a quality air conditioning system and exceptional air conditioning services, the fact remains that you cannot expect any air conditioner to function with 100% reliability. At some point you will require professional air conditioning repairs in Boca Raton, FL. When you do, just remember that we are the company to call.

Living in Florida means that you are going to be using your air conditioning system a lot throughout the long, extremely hot summer season. While we can provide you with a quality air conditioning system and exceptional air conditioning services, the fact remains that you cannot expect any air conditioner to function with 100% reliability. At some point you will require professional air conditioning repairs in Boca Raton, FL. When you do, just remember that we are the company to call. Our fine technicians will figure out precisely what has gone wrong with your system, and will resolve the problem entirely. Contact All-Pro Electrical & Air Conditioning the moment that you suspect your air conditioner is in trouble.

Decreased Cooling Efficiency

Chances are that you run your air conditioning system enough to have a general idea of how doing so impacts your utility costs. If you find that you are suddenly suffering sticker shock when the utility bill comes in, a damaged air conditioner may be to blame. Remember, your system cannot operate as efficiently as it ought to if it is not in fine working condition, and it does not have to break down entirely in order to justify scheduling professional air conditioning repair services.

It's Blowing Warm Air

Your air conditioner cycles on, you start to feel air coming from the vents, and - it's warm? This is a pretty obvious sign that air conditioning repairs are necessary. There are a  number of different reasons as to why your system may blow warm air, from refrigerant leaks to poor maintenance practices. We'll pinpoint the source of the problem so that we can resolve it entirely.

Hot Spots Throughout Your Home

Your air conditioner, assuming that it is of the right size for your home and was professionally installed, should be capable of cooling your home in an even, effective manner. If your home has hot spots in it, despite a successful cooling experience in the past, you may have damaged air ducts or other problems with your system. Our AC repair technicians will be able to tell you for certain.  

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